Friday, June 4, 2010

A full day of goodies...

It's been a few days since I posted last, and it will be quite a few more until I post again (my husband and I are going away, sans kiddos, for a much needed coastal weekend to celebrate our 10 year anniversary). Never one to put off cooking even when so many other things are also needing to be done, I managed to cram in quite a productive day in the kitchen. I am exhausted!

My mother-in-law asked me to make cannoli for her dinner party tomorrow. Naturally, since she is watching my daughter for two solid nights, I couldn't refuse, and so I spent the morning making ricotta, turning the fresh cheese into cannoli cream filling, and then frying the cookie shells. Oh, somewhere in there we also cooked a full breakfast with multigrain pancakes, mashed strawberries, yogurt cream (whipped cream and vanilla yogurt folded together), and grilled sausage, AND I put together a bean and ham soup for the crockpot (I knew I'd be tired later and not up for cooking much). I packed my children's suitcases and got things together for our trip, along with doing a few loads of laundry and weeding a few rows in the garden. As if all that weren't enough, I remembered that I'd volunteered to bring a snack/treat to my son's t-ball game tomorrow morning. At 9 AM. Which means that I spent the hour before bedtime baking cookies.

I am not one to take credit for recipes that are not my own, and I am often citing sources when something isn't of my own creation. I really, really like King Arthur Flour's cookie recipes. A few weeks ago I put together a very large tray of assorted cookies for a library grand opening celebration, and made these oatmeal cookies as one of the selections. Normally I would only choose things that are tested and tried, but many readers/bakers had reviewed them, giving 4 or 5 stars in their testimonials. I knew I could trust KA fans, so I gave them a try and was delighted. They have crispy bottoms, yet remain slightly chewy also, and the spices give just the right balance without being overpowering. It's a winner! The original recipe uses golden raisins, but I have yet to find an organic variety, so I substitute regular ones, dried cranberries, chocolate chips, or a combination of the three. For the kids' cookies I used organic raisins and Ghirardelli semi sweet chocolate chips, and I used Spectrum organic palm oil shortening, which is non-hydrogenated. Enjoy! Here's the link for King Arthur Flour's Oatmeal Cookies.

(My son requested these, and I feel that oatmeal cookies, being whole grain, are a much healthier option than prepackaged granola bars, animal "crackers," or simliar store-bought items. What child doesn't like sweet oatmeal, especially with a little chocolate thrown in? Sure, I could've brought carrot sticks or fruit chunks, but usually their games are scheduled for 11:00 and everyone leaves post-haste for lunch afterward. So this is a one time snack/treat opportunity!)

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