Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Fresh Warm Bread For a Chilly Day

How pretty is this loaf?! Most Honey Oatmeal bread is made with processed white flour to achieve a fine crumb and lofty texture. I have come up with a version that turns out perfectly, is 100% whole grain, is rich in flavor, has a moist, delicious crumb, and is quick to make (by yeast bread making standards). This loaf will not be heavy at all, and is a perfect accompaniment to a steaming bowl of soup for dinner (or sandwiches or french toast...). Freeze the second for a day when you want fresh, delicious bread but don't have the time to make it.

Honey Oatmeal Bread

Stir together in a glass measuring cup; let stand until foamy (5 min):
1 1/2 cups very warm water
1/2 cup honey
2 tbsp active dry yeast

While you're waiting for the yeast to activate, combine the following in a large mixing bowl:
5 cups white whole wheat flour
1 cup quick cooking oats
2 tsp sea salt
3 tbsp vital wheat gluten

Pour the water mixture into the flour and add:
2 eggs, room temperature
1/3 cup unsalted butter, melted

Mix and knead by hand or mixer (speed 2) until you have a soft, elastic dough, adding more flour as necessary to achieve a non-sticky texture. Place in a greased bowl, cover, and let rise 40 minutes-1 hour, or until doubled in bulk.

Grease two 8x4" loaf pans, divide dough in half and place in pans. Or, grease a cookie sheet and form into two flattened balls, keeping enough space to allow them to double in bulk and not touch.

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Cover and let rise about 40 minutes, or until twice the original size. Brush with milk and sprinkle with oats.

Bake for 40 minutes, until golden on top and hollow sounding when tapped. Remove from pans immediately and cool on wire racks. If you enjoy a satiny crust, brush with melted butter right after you remove the loaves from their pans, while still piping hot.

Makes 32 servings (16 slices per loaf).

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