I have been picking huckleberries just about every summer for as long as I can remember. The variety that is in closest proximity to us varies in size; not as big as blueberries, more reddish purple in color, and more tart. They ripen at the end of August, usually. I adore them, and while collecting them takes a long, back-breaking effort, I love the reward of fresh huckleberry ice cream or pie the next day.
Last summer, we spent the night for the first time at Huckleberry Campground. It was nice to not be as rushed, and the kids had a blast. They contributed few berries, if any, but did get to eat their fill and play in the dirt (which was more plentiful than the fruit) in the process. We ended up with enough to make several delicious desserts, pancakes, and a double batch of jam, as well as a few quarts to freeze.
Now it's the dead of winter and I wanted to make something fruity for dessert tonight, but not as buttery as a pie. I made a glazed berry pie in a graham cracker crust, and I reduced the sugar from my usual recipe. While I wouldn't call it "healthy," it is a great light option for a yummy, satisfying dessert. You may use frozen blueberries, but the flavor will be sweeter and incomparable to huckleberries. Wyman's Wild Blueberries come the closest; they're small wild berries from Maine, sold in a blue bag in the Natural Foods freezer section. Or you can just drool now and wait until next summer.... ;)
Make the graham cracker crust:
Puree one package insert of graham crackers* in the food processor (or by smashing in a plastic bag) until they're fine crumbs.
3 tbsp canola oil
3 tbsp honey, rice syrup, or agave nectar
Pulse to combine. Spread in the bottom and up the sides of a greased 9" pie pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 min. Let cool.
In a medium saucepan, stir together:
3 tbsp corn starch (I used more than usual to compensate for frozen berries and their juices)
1/2 cup sugar or evaporated cane juice
Add 1 cup water, a pinch of kosher salt, a pinch of dried lemon zest, and approximately 4 cups (1 qt) frozen huckleberries. Cook, stirring, over medium heat until juices turn clear, mixture begins to bubble and thicken. Remove from heat and pour into pie shell. Let stand until cool and jelled, chilling if desired.
*New Morning graham crackers are great because they don't have any funky additives or partially hydrogenated oils.
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